What are Groundfish?
No, we’re not talking about fish that’s been ground up. “Groundfish” is an umbrella term that refers to many species of fish that dwell near the ocean floor. While there are numerous different groundfish fisheries around the world, Positively Groundfish exclusively works with the West Coast Groundfish fishery, which encompasses 90+ different species of fish that are native to the Pacific and abundant off the coast of California, Oregon and Washington state. This multi-species fishery includes over 50 species of Rockfish, 8 species of Sole, as well as Sablefish (Black Cod), Lingcod, Pacific Cod, Thornyheads, Flounders, Skates or Pacific Sanddabs.
Sustainability is an oft-used and oft-misunderstood term that means different things in different contexts. For us it means “perpetual abundance”. It means having more fish in the sea and more for our growing world population to eat, too. So here is what makes our West Coast groundfish fishery so sustainable.
Abundant And Growing FISH Populations
West Coast groundfish is one of the most positive sustainability success stories around - NOAA hails it the “comeback of the century”. Following a serious population decline of several of its commercially fished species’ during the 90s and being declared a federal disaster in 2000, this fishery has bounced back to remarkably abundant and ever-growing levels thanks to a total commitment to sustainability by all of its stakeholders.
A SOLID FISHERY MANAgement process
The West Coast groundfish fishery is subject to a rigorous management process through the federally appointed Pacific Fishery Management Council that will ensure the fishery’s continued abundance in future. This entails scientifically set limits on total catch, an individual fishing quota scheme, and limitations on when, where and how fishing can occur (i.e. avoiding spawning season, avoiding sensitive habitats, or gear that minimizes by-catch).
100% monitored + Independently certified
Our fishermen are 100% accountable for their catch. Every single commercial boat that catches West Coast groundfish has an independent observer or an electronic monitoring system on board to ensure compliance and complete record keeping. And since 2014, all major commercially fished West Coast groundfish species have earned certification by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), the gold standard for seafood sustainability., and are rated “Best Choice” by Seafood Watch.
keeping it local
The average seafood product consumed in the US clocks up well over 5,000 food miles. In contrast, West Coast groundfish species are caught and filleted locally on the US West Coast. Keeping it local drastically minimizes food miles and our fishery’s carbon footprint, but also maximizes our product freshness and quality. And of course, eating local supports our West Coast fishing communities and rewards our hard-working fishermen that have been committed to sustainable practices for decades.
Other great resources to learn about the sustainable management of West Coast Groundfish :
“Healthy” is an admittedly vague term used to sell all kinds of products, services and ideas. For us “healthy” means nutrient-rich, natural and unadulterated foods that we can trust and that enhance our overall well-being. So here is why West Coast Groundfish is so healthy.
It doesn’t get more ‘natural’ and ‘real’ than wild. All West Coast groundfish species are wild-caught species native to the West Coast of the US. And because they are wild, it requires no land, no fresh water, no feed, nor any chemicals, antibiotics or hormones to ‘produce’ this protein. No adulterating. Just nature at its best. The way it’s been for millennia.
West Coast rockfish are exceptionally high in protein (18.4g of protein/100g fillet) and very low in fat (1.3g of fat/100g fillet) and calories (90 kcal/100g fillet). That means that 82% of its calories come from protein - which is twice as high as the protein % of eggs or lean beef steaks. Mind blown! So if you want to optimize your protein intake, rockfish and sole are a truly smart choice.
Full of nutritional goodness
West Coast Groundfish are rich in essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health, brain function and joint mobility. In fact, rockfish has 2x more Omega-3 than shrimp or Atlantic cod, 6x more Omega-3 than tilapia, and 10x more than chicken. Rockfish are also exceptionally good sources of selenium (63μg/100g fillet), which helps fight inflammation and support heart health, as well as Vitamin D and E, which are important for a strong immune system and brain function.
West Coast groundfish are caught by small boats (i.e. 1-3 crew) and filleted locally on the US West Coast in modern facilities, following strict US food safety practices and regulations. This safeguards the product’s freshness, safety and quality, and therefore your eating pleasure.
Other great resources to learn about the health and nutritional benefits of West Coast Groundfish :
We could rave about how lip-smacking tasty West Coast groundfish species are until we’re blue in the face, but we think our products speak best for themselves. The Pacific Ocean is providing us with incredible ingredients to cook with. Just go ahead and taste for yourself.
Mild Flakey White Fish
Their clean, sweet taste is easy on the palette, and beautifully carries sauces, be they subtle or intense.
A Versatile protein
West Coast groundfish species lend themselves to countless cuisines and preparation methods.
Most preparations of our groundfish take but a few minutes. These really are nature’s original fast food.
Eating local means eating fresh, and that translates directly into great quality and superb taste.
>> Click on the recipe images for the full ingredient lists and cooking instructions >>

Other great resources for groundfish recipes and cooking demonstrations:
Rockfish Recipes
Sole Recipes
Lingcod Recipes
Black Cod/Sablefish Recipes